The table is useful where you want the user to edit "child records", or edit multiple data at a time.
The question is: how to retrieve the data after the edition? There are 3 ways:
and the name
for each EditControl. So,
when the form is submitted, the values may be retrieved at server side.encode
method. More details ahead.ObjectRowMapper
. Details ahead.This is done by the encode
method. It takes three optional parameters: The rows to encode (you may use,
for example, the getSelectedRows
method) - defaults to all rows, the columns (as a number array) - defaults to all,
and a flag, indicating if the row identifier should be encoded or not - defaults to true.
A Parser is used for each column. It may be set a explicit parser using the column
property, or may by used a default parser according to the data type. The table has the following properties as default
parsers (the default values are in parenthesis): stringEncodingParser
(JST_DEFAULT_DATE_ENCODING_PARSER) and booleanEncodingParser
A separator is used between values (a single cell may contain multiple values) - valueSeparator
between columns - columnSeparator
(JST_DEFAULT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR) and between rows - rowSeparator
Here is a brief example:
var table = new JavaScripTable(...); var col; table.addColumn(new Column("Name", JST_TYPE_STRING)); table.addColumn(new Column("Age", JST_TYPE_NUMBER)); table.addColumn(new Column("Married", JST_TYPE_BOOLEAN)); table.addRow(1, ["John", 38, true]); table.addRow(2, ["Mary", 27, false]); table.rowSeparator = "\n"; table.columnSeparator = ";"; table.encode(); -> "John;38;true\nMary;27;false";
An ObjectRowMapper is a class that converts objects to rows and rows to objects.
There are 2 ways of setting an ObjectRowMapper: setting the table identifierName
and each column propertyName
properties, so an ObjectRowMapper will be created by the table, or manually setting the ObjectRowMapper instance. For example:
function Customer(id, name, age, married) { this.customerId = id; = name; this.age = age; this.isMarried = married; } var table = ...; //Assume the same table as the encoding example //First way: Using an implicit ObjectRowMapper table.identifierName = "customerId"; //The propertyName could be assigned to the Column instance that is returned by addColumn table.getColumnByIndex(0).propertyName = "name"; table.getColumnByIndex(1).propertyName = "age"; table.getColumnByIndex(2).propertyName = "isMarried"; //Second way: Using an explicit ObjectRowMapper table.objectRowMapper = new ObjectRowMapper(); table.objectRowMapper.className = "Customer"; table.objectRowMapper.mapIdentifier("customerId"); table.objectRowMapper.mapProperty(0, "name"); table.objectRowMapper.mapProperty(1, "age"); table.objectRowMapper.mapProperty(2, "isMarried"); //Now you can retrieve rows as objects, or add rows as objects table.getAllRowsAsObjects(); -> Returns 2 Customer instances table.addRow(new Customer(3, "Peter", 68, true)); table.updateRow(new Customer(1, "John", 40, true));
If you are a Java developer and use Ajax, you could try, for example, to work with DWR (Direct Web Remoting), that allows you to pass JavaScript objects direct to Java. In this case, using an ObjectRowMapper is very useful.
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