

The JavaScriptUtil contains a set of misc constants, functions and classes.
Note: The input field selection and caret operations work only on Internet Explorer for Windows and Gecko-based browsers (FireFox, Mozilla, etc). On other browsers, the functions that return values will return null, and functions that does not return values will do nothing.

Constants Click here for the constant details
Character set constants
JST_CHARS_ALPHA A String containing all letters and numbers
JST_CHARS_BASIC_ALPHA A String containing all letters without accentuation and numbers
JST_CHARS_BASIC_LETTERS A String containing all letters without accentuation
JST_CHARS_BASIC_LOWER A String containing all lowercase letters without accentuation
JST_CHARS_BASIC_UPPER A String containing all uppercase letters without accentuation
JST_CHARS_LETTERS A String containing all letters
JST_CHARS_LOWER A String containing all lowercase letters
JST_CHARS_NUMBERS A String containing all numbers
JST_CHARS_UPPER A String containing all uppercase letters
JST_CHARS_WHITESPACE A String containing all whitespace characters
Millisecond constants
MILLIS_IN_DAY The number of milliseconds on a day
MILLIS_IN_HOUR The number of milliseconds on a hour
MILLIS_IN_MINUTE The number of milliseconds on a minute
MILLIS_IN_SECOND The number of milliseconds on a second
Date field constants
JST_FIELD_DAY Field indicating days on date functions
JST_FIELD_HOUR Field indicating hours on date functions
JST_FIELD_MILLISECOND Field indicating milliseconds on date functions
JST_FIELD_MINUTE Field indicating minutes on date functions
JST_FIELD_MONTH Field indicating months on date functions
JST_FIELD_SECOND Field indicating seconds on date functions
JST_FIELD_YEAR Field indicating years on date functions

Top-Level Functions Click here for the top-level function details
Object manipulation functions
booleanValue Determine if the object represents a true value
debug Returns all properties in the object, sorted or not, with the separator between them
decode Returns an argument depending on the value of the first argument
functionName Returns the name of a function, given a function reference
getObject Returns the reference to a named object
ifEmpty Returns the first object if it is not empty (according to the isEmpty function), or the second object otherwise
ifNull Returns the first object if it is not null, or the second object otherwise
invoke Invokes a given function with the given arguments
invokeAsMethod Invokes a given function with the given arguments as if it were a method of the given object
isEmpty Returns if the object is null, an empty string, undefined or NaN
isUndefined Returns if the object is undefined
select Returns an argument depending on the boolean value of the prior argument
Form elements manipulation functions
addOption Adds an option to a select
addOptions Adds all options from the array to a select
checkAll Checks (or unchecks) all checkboxes
clearOptions Removes all options from a select
compareOptions Function used to compare two options by their text
getCaret Returns the caret position
getInputSelection Returns an input's selected text
getInputSelectionRange Returns an input's selected range
getValue Returns an object value
isCaretSupported Returns if caret operations are supported in the given object
isInputSelectionSupported Returns if input selection operations are supported in the given object
prepareForCaret Prepares the input object to use caret or selection manipulation functions on Internet Explorer
replaceSelection Replaces the selected text for a new one
selectString Selects a given string on the input text
setCaret Sets the caret to the specified position
setCaretToEnd Sets the caret to the text end
setCaretToStart Sets the caret to the text start
setInputSelectionRange Sets the selection range on an input field
setOptions Sets a select's options from an array
setValue Sets an object value
sortOptions Sorts the options on a Select
transferOptions Transfers options from a select to another
Array manipulation functions
arrayConcat Returns an array containing all elements of both arrays
arrayEquals Returns an the two arrays have exactly the same elements
ensureArray Ensurea an array is returned
inArray Returns if the object is in the array
indexOf Returns the first index of the object within the array
removeFromArray Removes all occurrences of the given objects is in the array
Event manipulation functions
observeEvent Adds an event listener to a given object
preventDefault Makes the given event to not be completed (example: on keypress, the key is not accepted)
stopPropagation Makes the event to stop propagating to innermost elements
typedCode Returns the key code of the given event
String manipulation functions
capitalize Capitalizes a String
crop Removes a specified number of characters from a String after a specified position
escapeCharacters Escapes the string's special characters to their escaped form ('\\' to '\\\\', '\n' to '\\n',
insertString Insert a String on another
lcrop Removes a specified number of characters from the beggining of a String
left Return 'n' charactes from the string's left side
lpad Make the string have the specified length, completing with the specified character on the left
ltrim Removes all specified characters on the String's left side
mid Return 'n' charactes from the string's specified position
onlyAlpha Return if the string has only letters or numbers
onlyLetters Return if the string has only letters
onlyNumbers Return if the string has only numbers
onlySpecified Return if the string has only the specified characters
rcrop Removes a specified number of characters from the end of a String
repeat Repeats the given string a number of times
replaceAll Replaces all the occurences in the string
right Return 'n' charactes from the string's right side
rpad Make the string have the specified length, completing with the specified character on the right
rtrim Removes all specified characters on the String's right side
trim Removes all specified characters on both sides of the String
unescapeCharacters Unescapes the string, changing the special characters to their unescaped form ('\\\\' to '\\', '\\n' to '\n', '\\\\uXXXX' to the ASC(XXXX),
Date manipulation functions
dateAdd Adds a given amount on a given date field
dateDiff Returns the difference, as in date2 - date1
getDateField Returns the value of a given date field
getFullYear Returns the full year, given a 2 digit year
getMaxDay Returns the maximum day of a given month and year
setDateField Sets the value of a given date field
truncDate Truncates the date, setting all fields lower than the specified one to its minimum value
Cookie manipulation functions
deleteCookie Removes the specified cookie
readCookie Reads the specified cookie
writeCookie Writes the specified cookie
Style manipulation functions
getOpacity Returns an object opacity
setOpacity Sets an object opacity, to a value ranging from 0 to 100

CookieMap A StringMap used to get/set cookie values
Map This class contains a set of Pairs
ObjectMap A Map used to get/set an object properties
Pair This represents a key/value pair
QueryStringMap A StringMap used to get values from the location query string
StringBuffer A class used to improve the performance of string concatenations
StringMap A Map that gets its pairs using a single string