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Class WrapperParser

Extends Class: Parser

A parser that wraps another parser, adding functionality through uses custom functions. When formatting, first the wrapped parser formats the data, then the formatFunction is invoked to post-process it, receiving the already formatted value and the original value as arguments. When parsing, first the parseFunction is invoked to pre-process the value, then the wrapped parser parses it.

var addTag = function(value, originalValue) {
    var color;
    if (originalValue != null && originalValue < 0) {
        color = "red";
    } else {
        color = "blue";
    return "" + value + "";
var removeTag = function(value) {
    var array = /<\w[^>]+>([\w\,\.]+)<\/\w[^>]+>/i.exec(value);
    if (!array) {
        return null;
    return array[1];
var numberParser = new NumberParser(2);
var parser = new WrapperParser(numberParser, addTag, removeTag);
alert(parser.format(-1.67)); //Result is -1,67
alert(parser.format(123.237)); //Result is 123,24
")); //Result is 1234567.89

Constructor Arguments
Name Type Default Description
wrappedParser Parser   The internal parser
formatFunction Function   The function called to post-process data the wrapped parser will format. The received arguments are the already formatted data by the wrapped parser and the original data
parseFunction Function   The function called to pre-process data the wrapped parser will parse. The data is passed as function argument

formatFunction The function called to post-process data the wrapped parser will format
parseFunction The function called to pre-process data the wrapped parser will parse
wrappedParser The internal parser

The function called to post-process data the wrapped parser will format. The received arguments are the already formatted data by the wrapped parser and the original data
The function called to pre-process data the wrapped parser will parse. The data is passed as function argument
The internal parser