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Class Row

Represents a table row.

//Assume the table is a valid instance, with 2 columns
var table;

//Add a row
var row = table.addRow(new Row(1, ["John Smith", 35]));

Constructor Arguments
Name Type Default Description
id String   The row identifier. Must be unique within the table
values Object[] null The row values array. The values are assigned to the table columns in a positional form
possibleValues Map[] null The row possibleValues array
titles String[] null The row title (tooltips) array

Basic properties
table The row table reference
Appearance and behaviour properties
editable A boolean flag to determine if this row can be edited
selectable A boolean flag to determine if this row can be selected
useCellFunction A boolean flag to determine if this row will use the column's cellFunction
id The row identifier
possibleValues The row possibleValues array
titles The row title (tooltips) array
values The row values array

Data retrieval methods
encode Encodes all values to a single String, encoding each value with a parser acquired via each column getEncodingParser() method

Basic properties
Basic row properties
The row table reference. Should never be changed

Appearance and behaviour properties
properties that defines the column appearance or behaviour
A boolean flag to determine if this row can be edited
A boolean flag to determine if this row can be selected
A boolean flag to determine if this row will use the column's cellFunction

The row identifier. Must be unique within the table
The row possibleValues array
The row title (tooltips) array
The row values array. The values are assigned to the table columns in a positional form

Data retrieval methods
Methods used to retrieve the row data
Encodes all values to a single String, encoding each value with a parser acquired via each column getEncodingParser() method. If the row id is encoded, it is the first value. Each value is separated by the table.columnSeparator property
Name Type Default Description
columns Number[]   An array containing the column indexes to be encoded
encodeRowId boolean true Will the row identifier be encoded together with the column values?