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Class Input

Extends Class: MaskField

A common superclass for all fields where there user input.

Constructor Arguments
Name Type Default Description
accepted String   An String containing all accepted characters
min Number 1 The minimum field length. If the min is passed on the constructor and the max not, max is assumed equals to min
max Number -1 when min not specified, else min The maximum field length. -1 Means no limit
padFunction Function The lpad() function will be used. Heuristics will determine the pad char A function used to pad (complete) the field value
optional boolean   Is this field optional on the mask?

accepted An String containing all accepted characters
max The maximum field length
min The minimum field length
optional Is this field optional on the mask?
padFunction A function used to pad (complete) the field value

An String containing all accepted characters
The maximum field length. -1 Means no limit
The minimum field length. If the min is passed on the constructor and the max not, max is assumed equals to min
Is this field optional on the mask?
A function used to pad (complete) the field value