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Class DateParser

Extends Class: Parser

A parser for Date values.
The mask property accepts the following characters:
d: Day M: month y: year
h: 12 hour H: 24 hour m: minute
s: second S: millisecond
a: am / pm A: AM / PM
/. -: Separators

var parser = new DateParser("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
alert(parser.format(new Date())); //Result is "2004-07-10 15:30"
alert(parser.parse("2004-07-10 15:30")); //Result is a Date
alert(parser.parse("ABC")); //Result is a null

Constructor Arguments
Name Type Default Description
mask String The JST_DEFAULT_DATE_MASK value The date mask
enforceLength boolean The JST_DEFAULT_ENFORCE_LENGTH value If set to true, each field on the parsed String must have the same length as that field on the mask, ie: yyyy-MM-dd with '99-10-8' would result on a parse error
completeFieldsWith Date null When set, complete missing field values with the ones of it. Only makes sense when enforceLength is false

completeFieldsWith When set, complete missing field values with the ones of it
enforceLength If set to true, each field on the parsed String must have the same length as that field on the mask, ie: yyyy-MM-dd with '99-10-8' would result on a parse error
mask The date mask

When set, complete missing field values with the ones of it. Only makes sense when enforceLength is false
If set to true, each field on the parsed String must have the same length as that field on the mask, ie: yyyy-MM-dd with '99-10-8' would result on a parse error
The date mask